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Of course man was created as a special creator. They have sense of creativity, sense of reasoning, sense of thinking and a lot more.
added by 1001277811 169 days ago 1    0

Due to many things that GOD the creator of heaven and earth then he was give power to control all creations thing and the power was given to him that means everyone here we hv to control all creations on earth
added by JOSEPH KULE 533 days ago 3    0

It's true man was created as a special creature because he takes control over the earth compared to other animals
Secondly he is powerful

added by Anonymous 541 days ago 1    0

Humans were created special because they are the only ones with special and distinctive characteristics that can have control over everything. Humans have a sense of understanding to help them differentiate between good and bad.
added by 1001242910 544 days ago 1    0

Man was created as a special creature.

The whole universe was created in just six days.
Man was the last item on God's agenda of creation.
Whereas all the other creation was by the word of the mouth of God, man was created by being moulded in the very image of the Creator Himself, specifically to be in charge of the rest of God's creation.

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