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This present modern world can be seen as the best era.The era where internet is the talk of the day,alongside with information and communication technology.
added by 1001277811 163 days ago 1    0

added by JOSEPH KULE 526 days ago 2    0

Toda la economia mundial obedece al fenomeno llamado globalizacion. Recuerden cuando se tapo el Canal de Suez y el mundo completo se vio afectado, ademas del Covid-19 y la agresion de Rusia a Ucrania.
added by Anonymous 527 days ago 3    0

The World economy has changed for ever.

To day our world economy has shifted as a result of internet and globalization.
Internet has changed every thing, from how we communicate to how we shop and how we make money.
The days of studying hard for better grades, getting a well paying job, working for 35 years and then retiring with a pension are over!

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