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Warm water helps in emulsification of fat metabolism. Meanwhile in order to maintain a healthy living, I encouraged everyone to start drinking warm water after every meal.
added by 1001277811 168 days ago 1    0

Drinking warm makes our stomach ready for food and reduce constipation
added by Okello Emma 340 days ago 2    0

Warm water is so gd in the way that it even helps a lot in gd blood flow
added by Anonymous 441 days ago 2    0

Warm water helps peristalsis of the intestines and prevents constipation
added by Anonymous 446 days ago 1    0

Drinking warm water is good for your health.

Nutritionists tell us that if you want to keep your body in good shape, you should drink water. They say warm water gives the best results when consumed at the beginning of the day on an empty stomach.
Drinking warm water after every meal emulsifiers fats which also aids digestion.
So,start your day and end your meal with a cup of hot water to stay in shape.

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I heard that it is good to drink half your body weight in water. I never heard that it should be warm. Nor would I end my meal with a glass of hot water.
added by Anonymous 554 days ago 2    1