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While investing in any business don't expect that you will make it 100% as gain sometime we can encounter loses in business.
added by 1001277811 170 days ago 1    0

Yes, some investments can give you a 100% RTI. but definitely not always. And as you put it, any investment that can give you some reasonable percentage back is good to go,as long as you break even.
added by Anonymous 559 days ago 5    0

There's no investment that has a 100% gain on it or at all times.

From my last post about how to keep money safe and secure, someone in the comment said the investment isn't a sure way because there's no investment that has a 100% gain on it. While that is true you can't keep your money with you and expect it to grow into a resource that you can draw from.
No matter how little the percentage is as long as it is not a loss you are gaining, it is better than keeping it in your pocket.

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