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Poverty is a great sickness and disease it is not good for one to be poor because his or her mentality will be low.
added by 1001277811 169 days ago 1    0

Indeed the choice among the two is ours because it's our mindset that can lead us in of the either choose wisely or foolishly.
added by Anonymous 550 days ago 1    0

Sometimes poverty is destiny to those who are lazy enough and no mentality to have a better life. We should work hard and use our mind to strive harder on life to fight poverty.
added by Anonymous 561 days ago 3    0

Yes, we should always endeavor to share what ever is in our possession with those that are in need. This world is full of enough resources but the problem is that we refuse to share.
added by 1001057999 567 days ago 4    0

Poverty is a mentality just as Wealth is a character.

Poverty is a mentality just as Wealth is a character. The poverty mentality is always the lack mentality. They never want to give anything and always want to receive everything. They say their case is more critical than any other person, so they deserve help more than any person.
They say they can't give because what they have is too small and not enough to satisfy them or enough to solve any problem so why give it? But it is more blessed to give than to receive.
And that's the character of the wealthy. They share, give and volunteer. Learn to give.

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