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Of a truth it is the Holy spirit that direct us on how to live a Christian life.Without the Holly Spirit in us our Christian life would have worth nothing.
added by 1001277811 168 days ago 1    0

This is true as holy spirit is in different forms.
added by Anonymous 456 days ago 1    0

For sure without the Holly spirit Christianity means nothing because even those who goes in the shrine they have there master to guide them.the same to we Christian's we need the Holly spirit beyond our thinking.
added by Anonymous 550 days ago 1    0

Yes it's the holy spirit that God gave to Christians as a helper. It's this holy spirit to assist them to do God's approval in their life.
added by 1001054257 564 days ago 4    0

We can not live the Christian life without the Holy spirit.

God knows very well that we are weaklings who need the Holy spirit for support. He shows us our sins and helps us over come Satan's temptations. He promised to give us His spirit through prophet Joel (Joel 2: 28,29, " shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour my Spirit on all flesh; your daughters and sons will prophecy, your old men dream dreams and your young men shall see visions. Even upon the menservants and maidservants in those days, I will pour out my Spirit.

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