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Of course yes names have a great impact on people's lives.Meanwhile before chosen a name of your children think and reason about the meaning before naming it on your child.
added by 1001277811 157 days ago 1    0

How can we have online here in names for me the whole day for me to go with the time is the best work with me on Monday I think no boss and we will be in time to be a good thanks so we have already done ✅ the meeting is over
added by JOSEPH KULE 528 days ago 2    0

Yes, it is good to give a good name to your child because in our language we even have a saying that a bad name is a bad omen to the bearer. So, give your child a good name.
added by Anonymous 572 days ago 2    0

A name is you and it represents your origin,
Sometimes it tells more about you what your mother went through to give birth to you
added by Anonymous 572 days ago 3    0

Names have a great influence on people's lives and destinies.

Many people never give enough thought to the names they give their children, little did they know that those names have a great impact on the lives of their children. Names have a great influence on people's lives and destinies. Choose the right name and give it a lot of thought too.

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