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Ebola virus is a deadly virus that took place in Nigeria in the year 2012.It was very unfortunate that it is now happening life in Uganda resulting to lockdown in Uganda.
added by 1001277811 158 days ago 1    0

It was a proposal for some people in leadership but the president ignored it. So there might be no lockdown again though we see people dieying of ebola.
added by Anonymous 574 days ago 3    0

This is not the first time that this Ebola virus is coming to Uganda. True, it has killed a lot of our people, and it is really a serious disease, but I have never heard of Ebola lockdown.
added by Anonymous 576 days ago 2    0


I myself I knew about lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic where we went through many lockdowns. And now It's been quite absad to see that now our country has again faced EBOLA which is killing or people now and then, so if the president announces ebola lockdown, be free because the disease is dangerous.

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I do not like lockdown and the second lockdown will not happen in Uganda. The first one was horrendous
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 2    0