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God's greates desire is for us to be happy. That was one of the major reasons why He he sent His son Jesus Christ here on earth. Biblically it was written in John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten son that whosoever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
added by 1001277811 155 days ago 1    0

yes the greatest desire of God is to see us happy. it does not mean that he will not punish us if we break his rules. we must also respect its prohibitions and its recommendations.
added by Anonymous 583 days ago 4    0

God's greatest desire is for us to be happy.

It is God's desire that we live happy and victorious lives on planet Earth, and continually enjoy His blessings which He enshrines to us through His only begotten son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. However, you find that many people are still struggling to live that Glorious life. This is simply because they are yet to accept the free gift that God has already made available to us; Salvation.

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