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As long as yem foundation pays the more you criticise it is the more you are advertising it .
added by 1001277811 155 days ago 1    0

Plus les journalistes et autres types de médias critiqueront notre monnaie, plus les yeux du monde seront rivé la dessus
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 3    0

Yes,indeed. The more they write about it the more it is advertised and the more it is advertised, the more it gains popularity. So some will want to know more about it and search for the right info.
added by 1001057999 599 days ago 6    0

Totally agree. Negative statements even create much more attention as positive ones. And in the end every "sensational journalist" turns out to be a bungler all by himself. That has always been part of the story and is part of every successful project.
added by 1000297823 599 days ago 6    0

More journalist should critises YEM as another way to advertise it

I think more journalist should write more about YEM as it will be another way to advertise it to the world, let us not blame those who are talking about negatively, most people will learn about it and at the end of all, all YEM holders will conquer.

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