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As long as life exists there are full of changes. It maybe ups and downs. You must create your destiny because life is what we make it.
added by Anonymous 616 days ago 0    0

because life is dependent on good and bad blessings come along that so it's people to use properly what comes their way
added by 1001064017 616 days ago 0    0

GOD THE ALMIGHTY created the world in different ways and also different creatures that is why everybody is different in his or her behaviors
added by Anonymous 616 days ago 0    0

because other people make many mistakes that cost their opportunities and lead them to serious problems
added by 1001064017 616 days ago 0    0

Life is full of different scenes where some are good and others bad.

Like in a play or a movie, life is also full of different scenes where by some are good and interesting and others bad and devastating.
You can not avoid them and you can not delete them or cut them out of life because they are the ones that brings meaning to it.

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