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Man can not play a football alone you need other people
In football team work is needed because it improves the permanence fact that working as a team helps you to
Maximize on the weakness and strength of every player means that every move the players make will be coordinated hence increasing the chances of scoring and winning over the other team
The team work build a better bond there is nothing as good as being able to celebrate awn together as team so
team work build every
added by Anonymous 609 days ago 1    0

Because football is a game so it needs players. It's just like life we cannot stand without other people's support. No man is an island.
added by Anonymous 614 days ago 1    0

You can not play a football match alone, you need other people.

God made men to work together for a common goal.
He put different abilities in different people and when these ability are joined together, they archieve a targeted goal.
But you will never work it out alone.
In anyway, you need other people

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