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Since we are in the era of digital world people want to market their business online and as a result of that moving from small phone to smart phone.
added by 1001277811 144 days ago 1    0

Obviously when it comes to internet connect u are supposed to be using smartphone to achieve yo goals of internet exploration
added by Anonymous 422 days ago 3    0

That's the way to go and you cannot avoid it. There is a time they were registering all businesses in some country and they could as questions to people who don't know how to read and write whether they had email address, but these people were having small businesses, this forced these people to look around people who had smart phones to register them on emails.
added by 1001242910 608 days ago 4    0

Smart phones have the latest features that's why people are changing their phones from small to smart. It has advanced technology and comfortable to use.
added by Anonymous 609 days ago 3    1


People we're going to move from small phones to smart phones by our selves. No one is going to push you to leave it but your going to make a change by your self.

Things these days we're used to do make us to start shifting to smart phones even a farmer when selling a pampukin or his old car deep in village. They ask him to take photo and send it.

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