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There is a saying which goes this way all fingers are not equal but as a matter of fact all fingers perform the same work.
added by 1001277811 152 days ago 1    0

It's such a good example , a gain as the saying goes that 2heads are better than one so for that case when we decide to come together a think something big can be done
added by Anonymous 226 days ago 3    0

Yes me also support working together even throgan say United we can bu t divide our selves we fall if we work to gather every one will lift up and we became wealthy
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 4    0

C'est comme un vieux sage qui voulait tirer l'attention de ses enfants parce qu'il se sentait presqu' à la fin de ses jours, il leur ordonna d'amener chacun un bois et leur dit de casser chacun son bois. L'aîné, le cadet et le benjamin, cassa chacun son bois. Le vieux rassembla les morceaux et les attacha ensemble. Il dit à l'aîné de casser le fagot et il n'y arriva pas. Ainsi fit le tour des deux qui n'ont pas pu aussi casser le fagot du bois. Alors, dit le vieux à ses enfants, individuellement vous ne pourrez rien faire mais ensemble vous êtes une force invincible et même vos ennemis auront peur de vous.
added by Anonymous 612 days ago 3    0

All fingers have different roles. They are made with a purpose just like the parts of our bodies have.
added by Anonymous 617 days ago 4    1


Fingers are not in the same size but working together make them to lift heavy things but if you use one finger, cannot do work done by five of them.

What i mean is that, working together. Supporting each other, everyone will lift his income than working alone and this will bring us to unite peacefully.

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