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God is the creator of the universe as you all know it. And everything in this world belongs to him.
But above all, he exalted man above all creatures and crowned him to govern other creatures.
added by Anonymous 593 days ago 1    0

God ask apostle Peter; Did you love me? if you love me then take care of people, feed my people. That's God's commandment to Peter.
If we love God we also love his people and take care of them.
added by Anonymous 615 days ago 1    1

Let us serve God and save the world because when we do so, the world will be peaceful and free from any disaster.
added by Anonymous 617 days ago 1    1

OK, I think you have a point. Yes, you are quite right that if you want to do something to God, you do it to a person. This is because you can not physically access God.
added by Anonymous 617 days ago 2    1

If you want to do something go God, just do for his people.

God is the creator of the universe as you all know it. And everything in this world belongs to him.
But above all, he exalted man above all creatures and crowned him to govern other creatures.
So God was pleased to sit and live in man because he was created in his own image.
Now if you want to do something to God do it for his people.

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