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The problem here is that you are basing on the current position as an adult person with a grown up mind, forgeting that if you are given a chance to be young again, the mind will also be young and the reasoning too!
added by Anonymous 618 days ago 2    0

If you could be given another chance of becoming young what new things will you do

In most situations you find yourself making wrong choices but you ask yourself, if I am given another chance of becoming young will I have to do the right things I didn't do as a child or still it will be the same thing as of today. It's not too late you can do the right things you think can be done.

How do you vote?

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I believe whatever we did while growing up whether right or wrong is what we had to do and we can't do any better even though we are given a chance to go back to childhood because the defining factor is that this earth is not perfect and we aren't perfect either so we cannot beat that immortal truth
added by Anonymous 615 days ago 0    0