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Creo que lastima mucho más el silencio o callar la verdad, es mejor decir no te amo a vivir toda una vida en una gran Mentira.
added by miguel rojas barragan 611 days ago 0    0

C'est la peur de blesser l'autre fait qu'on ne lui dit pas la vérité. Or cette même vérité libère la personne. Elle va souffrir juste un moment et après va reprendre sa vie. Dans le cas contraire, il souffrira d'un manque d'amour réciproque.
added by Anonymous 611 days ago 1    0

I believe this depends on a kind of a person that lady is.
And the kind of approach the man has used, the phrase I don't love you is relative in different context. If it's about a close relationship, it can be different from a stranger. And also it will depend on how this person says it.
added by 1001242910 611 days ago 0    0

Just as it is hard for a girl to tell a boy directly that she loves him, it becomes equally hard for her to tell him that she does not love him. Also,the boy will try by all means to get her, so he will use his money to woo the girl.
added by Anonymous 612 days ago 0    0

Do think that it is hard for a lady to tell a man that i don't love you instead of eating their mone

I think it is very important to tell that person who has come to you claiming that he loves you that you don't love him back than wasting your time and his time because some ladies take that advantage of fooling men when they know very well they don't love them but only eating their money but also some men do the same and waste women's time

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