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Wealth comes if all your struggles are blessed by God. It doesn't depend on age but by God's will.
added by Anonymous 622 days ago 0    0

There are many people who became world Millionaires at the age of 50 years. Becoming a rich person has no minimum or maximum age limit.
There are some people I know who own more than 100 YEM , do you want to tell me that person will die poor with that kind of digital assets.
Working very hard doesn't qualify every person to become very much rich, if it was like that we would have very many millionaires.
added by 1001242910 622 days ago 0    0

When you come at the age of 50 when you have not attained weath, it is not easy to attain it.

Weath is just worked for through struggling and toiling but some people don't want to toil, to struggle and yet they want wealth.
Many youths spend their youthful days wastefully and forget to work for their old age.
But when you fail to attain wealth at around 45 years, you may fail to attain it by the age of 50.

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according to safe zone programs you can become wealth after your 50 year just lie some of our colleagues who invested little is YEM now it has turned to millions and billions
added by Anonymous 622 days ago 0    0

Wealth needs to be planned for, it is true, but plans don't go well with timing. Sometimes you plan and it fails so you opt for plan B. I have read about some individuals who got Wealth in their 60s. Don't lose Hope.
added by 1001057999 623 days ago 0    0

Wealth is accumulated over time, and chance happens to anyone despite the age if they commit themselves 100% to achieving success and discipline themselves to that effect.
added by 1000885064 623 days ago 0    0