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Yes, in this World every one has his/her own way of seeing things as well as the way of solving problems. Others are short sighted and others look far ahead. We are all different so disagreeing with each others' views is normal.
added by 1001057999 616 days ago 0    0

Life is full of challenges. You will learnt from your different experiences and that makes you better and stronger person.
added by Anonymous 616 days ago 0    0

Yes for sure, people have always challenged my way of understanding, knowledge and wisdom.
It's normal because I also challege others.
added by Anonymous 617 days ago 0    0

As long as you live in this world, get ready to be challenged.

In this world when you are still living, your way of perception, your knowledge, wisdom and understanding shall always be challenged by other people because their way of perception, wisdom knowledge and understanding are different from yours.

Therefore, get ready to be rejected, laughed, mocked. You alone are thé only you in this world, nobody has a mind like yours.

Göd doesn't change the mind of any person He uses to be like that of others but of Him, He operates within your way of perception putting Himself as thé sovereign and above your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Don't waste your time arguing about things that are vivid, it only shows that you are not yet learnt.

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