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It's may be inevitable to do so if there is no one who can take up those positions.
Since there isn't enough salaried money, it's possible for for someone to do this in order to earn from here and there.

added by 1001242910 571 days ago 0    0

It is not good to assume many top positions in the management of a company. It can cause inefficiency of work better to delegate other positions qualified.
added by Anonymous 617 days ago 0    0

Some how I agree with you and on the other hand it's very difficult to be in that position if the company doesn't belong to you.
Also you can be a flexible person and you keep training others under your supervision and once you are not there the company can still function normally.
added by 1001242910 619 days ago 2    0

Not good for one to serve in more than one top managerial posts in the same company

Serving in more than one top managerial positions in a single company is not good as it pauses a very big risk if something bad happens on such a worker.if they decide to leave work or get problems that affects their entire life, a company can struggle much filling those gaps.Also in acts of theft by such people, it's not easy to realize as they do their things alone from one office to another.They finish their deals alone.

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