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A thief is an evil person so he has in control of what he does. When he steals, possibly he kills also so that his evil doing will succeed.
added by Anonymous 623 days ago 0    0

This is because when a thief comes to your house does not only want to steal but also kills so he or she knows that when you get him the law may take control over his act.
added by 1000948034 625 days ago 0    0

Both biblically and Generally, a thief comes to destroy,kill and steal.

Never ever give room for thieves to loiter in your places of residence or homes.Thieives are so dangerous as their main missions are to destroy, kill and steal.They either do one of these if the fail both.A thief is feared for those reasons and guard yourself from them as much as you can.They don't mind your life condition or whatever you have and how you got them.

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