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It has never been there for people to marry each other when they are of the same size,so it is good to marry aperson who is older.
added by 1000945510 624 days ago 0    0

Yes it good to marry some one older than me because the attitude of this person is fer better than mine.
They this person thinks is great and maturity is wow
added by 1000948034 624 days ago 0    0

It depends, marriage come from love between two persons. In love age doesn't matter at all if you see that persons are meant for each othet so be it.
added by Anonymous 625 days ago 1    0

Is it good to marry someone older than you?

Marrying someone older than you is having no problem as long the two are determined and have decided to join and form a family.Knowing who you are and your responsibilities in a family is what matters.Some older can easily advise you, bring you constructive and developmental knowledge that pushes your family ahead.

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