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What you are inside is manifested through your actions. A good heart always have good intentions, kind and humble.
added by Anonymous 619 days ago 0    0

It's true however even though you hide your identity actions reveal what you speak what you do,so I agree with you .
added by 1000945510 621 days ago 0    0

It is very true, but I think it's the other way round, that is if you are bad your mind will generate bad thoughts and if you are good it will naturally generate good thoughts.
added by Anonymous 622 days ago 2    0

What you think in your heart is what really you are.

As the Bible says that what a man thinketh is he is a true saying.
When you think about evil always in your heart, it will mean your heart is full of evil and you are evil therefore. But when you think good, it is goodness that covers your heart and your a good person.
You can not difer from your thoughts.

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