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Uncleanness is one of the factors that contribute immensely to the breakdown of marriage as a result of that both couples need to dress decently.
added by 1001277811 128 days ago 1    0

Courir derrière les filles ou dernière les garçons peut détruire les de plusieurs années. Plusieurs peuvent intervenir pour trouver une solution mais en vain
added by Anonymous 621 days ago 2    0

Uncleanness can break up a longlasting marriage.

There so many factors that can cause marriage to break or to get terminated.
One of the reasons or factors is uncleanness. When one of the partner is dirty or not clean and yet the other is, this can easily make marriage disgusting.
So also mounts to a factor that couples should maintain cleaniness in marriage.

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A long term relationship should not be broken by uncleanliness. There are options of working through it. They can get counseling and through that find options of supporting each other. It is only when the partner is not supportive that it can cause a relationship to break
added by Anonymous 436 days ago 1    0

I say NO to this provided the Uncleanliness is outside the area of unfaithfulness in the marriage whether in christian marriage or unbelievers marriage setting even though people are doing any how.
added by Anonymous 621 days ago 1    0