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It true for people kill stress high blood pressure and others can make people get Free from several sickness and others problems.
added by 1001202480 630 days ago 0    0

Le sourire est bon pour la santé parce qu'il chasse le stress . Si vous ne souriez pas trouvé quelqu'un qui causera avec vous ou trouver une activité intéressant à faire. Cela créera en vous du bonheur et vous aurez le sourire
added by Anonymous 631 days ago 0    0

That is very fantastic point smiling is a very good medicine on someone's health and they always say that when you smile you add on age
added by 1001234382 631 days ago 0    0

Stress management is one of the medication that suppresses glummy faces and reckled face therefore avoid missery conditions that shorts your life span. For one to live long should make medical check up once a month. Regular exercise , eating health foods. Drink prenty of boiled water, have enough rest, visit interesting places.
added by 1001098163 631 days ago 0    0

Smiling and avoiding a gulmjy face will keep your body healthy enough.

Smiling is another type of medicine for your body. You do not need to take tablets to refresh you body.
Whenever you are stressed, find some people around you or something around you that can attract for you a smile.
It will also create a conducive environment for your neighbours.
Don't turn your face gloomy please it will kill you of pressure.
Always have a reasonable smile.

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