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A youth supposed not to waste his time for anything he supposed to be vibrant and up and doing so as to avoid being poor in life.
added by 1001277811 134 days ago 1    0

Most of the youths waste their youths hood taking drugs, taking alcohol and unnecessary bettings, chasing sexual desires and forgetting what future holds
added by Anonymous 573 days ago 1    0

Most youth waste time in gambling,outings ,entertainments.they also want quick money which makes them lazy.they also think they will inherit their parents properties when they pass on.
added by Anonymous 630 days ago 3    0

Duriñg our time they used to tell us that time is money. Nowadays people don't value time. They spend it any how and miss use it not knowing that it is precious. By the time they wake up it's too late.
added by Anonymous 633 days ago 3    0

Wastage of time among the people mostly youths have made most people poo

Today's people don't like to work. Compared to the past our grand used to work hard in order to earn a better living
It also helps them to stay healthy that's why diseases were not common like now days

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