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It is a good thing for someone to have a strong decision on whatever he or she want to do on earth,at the end there will be victory.
added by 1001277811 141 days ago 1    0

That is why I tell my friend every successfull selfmade winners stands a less previllaged boy who was open minded and followed his dreams
added by 1001229519 623 days ago 2    0

Strike the iron while it is hot and never give up. Lots of opportunities awaits for those who did not give up. Always try and try until you succeed.
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 1    0

And indeed behind every successfull selfmade winners stands a less previllaged boy who was open minded and followed his dreams
added by 1001173742 628 days ago 2    0


If there something you take to be good to you and you expect it to lift you up. Never give-up. Continue with it at the end you will succeed.

All those who are well in life, they struggle to what they have and they have reached where you see them.

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