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Yes .polygamy is where a man has more than one wife.
According to islam , it is allowed for a man to have more than one wife if he meets the conditions attached to it . And this has many benefits for example it reduces the acts of zina like adultery.
added by 1001251072 629 days ago 1    0

Is polygamy a good practice or not?

Basing on some people's wishes and some religious beliefs (especially Islam), polygamy is allowed and is even advised to be done.This is only advised to be done if a man has the capacity to equally take care of the more than one wives a person may wish to have.All should be able to enjoy the best in their marriages not lacking anything since one who decides to do it must be able to carry the burden and feel okay with it.

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when 2 get married they become one, when 1 marries 4 they may not become 1 it is difficult to share everything with 4 in body and mind equally. very difficult.
added by 1001228420 614 days ago 1    0