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Humble and soft beginnings are better since they allow one time to plan every step in advance before proceeding to the next.Such humble beginnings lead to great work in the end.Its better to have a soft and sure beginning than a rush one that may crush you shortly.
added by Anonymous 636 days ago 0    0

The law if loyalty doesn't require you to have many but instead to be faithful in the little you have.
added by Anonymous 636 days ago 0    0

Never despise a humble beginning and may end up with a good ending.

Many people start up life or certain things with humble beginnings where everyone is laughing and despise them. They continue on to work tiresly and with out ceasing.
Atlast and by the help if God, othey are able to make it where every one looks amazing and wondering how it has been.
So never dare to despise any humble beginning it will result into something mega soon.

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