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Our hope is in God. There is no hope in this world. No matter how hard is life we trust God amd believe in him that he can do everything for the good of his people.

added by Anonymous 635 days ago 1    0

We must never lose hope no matter how challenging things may be, always have Faith and believe in Christ. Keep your eyes focused on him.
added by Anonymous 636 days ago 2    0

Jesus Christ is the maker of the earth and all that is in it. the bible says that He is the owner of Gold and silver and He will supply all your needs according to the reaches in glory. thus never lose hope as long as you walk rightly with God.
added by 1001081671 636 days ago 2    0

Never lose hope if you know that you're still walking with God

We're being challenged here and there but if we continue to walk in the light of God which is God himself we shall overcome come what may. Be it poverty, sickness, loss of our beloved ones etc. Through him we shall still standing in faith.

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