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It is not going to church that make a person righteous, but the righteous man goes to church. The righteousness with in a man make him to do Righteous acts. No action whatsoever make a man righteous, it is Christ in a man that makes him righteous.
added by 1001081671 630 days ago 0    0

Going to church every Sunday does not judge you as true christian. Because others may come to church only as an obligation but not from heart. A true christian are those who follow God through their deeds.
added by Anonymous 632 days ago 0    0

Going to church every Sunday does not make one a true Christian.

Many people have taken being a true Christian as going to church every Sunday or doing church work all time.A good Christian can only look into his or her heart and see if he is having a Christian heart not only going to church every day.
Many people go to church for various reasons.

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