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Of a truth those that travel by water pricisely through sea do experience the mighty hand of God especially ocean tide Waves and tempest of the Sea
added by 1001277811 129 days ago 1    0

Vraiment car les voyageurs on le courage de rester dans les pirogues sa ses un risque que on doit pas prendre
added by Wiyao AKATE 621 days ago 3    0

Physically you cant see even you travel in the sea. But in your heart he is present and ready at all times when you call him especially in times of trouble.
added by Anonymous 627 days ago 4    0

They that travel by the waters see God.

Go to a sailor and try to talk to him you will find out that how he's story on water goes.
They always see the might saving hand of God after the several attempts that comes their way to claim their lives.
These include the strong waves and tides that ever toss their boats and ships plus the weird creatures they ever encounter with.
By all these they ever see how God saves.

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God is everywhere, one water, later and everywhere. you can see God in your own heart. God is with us all the time. However, the wonders on the water make individuals appreciate God
added by Anonymous 430 days ago 3    0

NO NO NO , it can't be , let me tell the world that God was last seen by Adam ,Mses , Jesus and Muhammad . Those who move by waters just do imaginations ,infact they lie themselves.
added by 1000932126 442 days ago 3    0