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Irrespective of much soap will cost people must surely buy it because of its usuage and demand in terms of taking bath and washing of clothes
added by 1001277811 117 days ago 1    0

to skip bathing and washing because of the cost of soap that's stupid and i am not stupid, because if out of ignorant or negligent you don't wash and bath if it becomes a habit will lead one to body odor
added by 1000860119 653 days ago 2    0

No not at all you must wash and brush your teeth everyday same rules apply just how your parents taught you
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 2    0

One ideally shouldn't miss having a bath snd washing clothes. However, in the midst of a recession, these kind of scenario can arise, when life is so hard. And d to cope with the situation, people have to adjust their daily habits.
added by Anonymous 653 days ago 2    0

should one skip having a bath or washing clothes because of high soap prices?

The price of soap has risen so high that some people have resolved to reducing on the number of times they have a bath in a day or even a week. These days, a bar of soap costs three ties more than its original price. Even some people have started airing their clothes so as they can be able to put them on ore times and this is a substitute for washing. Let me hope and pray that we do not get sick due to this

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Even if so, there are better options which are cheaper. Our health comes first in life. We don't want to get diseases which will be too expensive for us in hospital than a bar of soap.
added by Anonymous 563 days ago 1    0

Fyn it can be skipped but not intentionally because of high prices anong others, one needs to continously be clean mo mater the circumstance. Atleast bath or wash with out soap.
added by Anonymous 648 days ago 1    0

Having a bath and washing clothes are part of the essential roles that promote hygiene and health.Atleast ecomise the little soap you can manage but esuring a bath and your clothes kept clean
added by Anonymous 652 days ago 1    0

Because if you don't wash and bath you get some sickness so it could be a must for some one to wash or bath.
added by 1000945510 653 days ago 2    0