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The eyes works as the camera of the body meanwhile we have to be mindful of what we are doing with our eyes
added by 1001277811 115 days ago 1    0

Extremely important, it’s also important not too stare at the tv, cell phone , we have to stop our friends, familes, kids from being brainwashed
added by Anonymous 651 days ago 1    0

Eyes are the windows of our soul. It sees the beautiful things in this world. Without eyes we cannot differentiate the good and bad that surrounds us

added by Anonymous 654 days ago 3    0

Your eyes are very important as it sees light, reads and all this is taken into your brain

As the eyes act as the camera of the body, what you see goes directly to the brain especially, reading, watching an educative clip and what you think, the biggest percentage of what you will do in future is contributed by what you have seen. Other parts of the body are equally important, but the eyes feed the body a lot of information.

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