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Happiness is like a butterfly because no other living things on earth will be as happy as butterfly.
added by 1001277811 147 days ago 1    0

Le bonheur de nos jours est difficile à atteindre. La situation économique est délétère. Tout est au ralenti. Comme le papillon, lorsqu'il nous échappe, il faut vraiment avoir beaucoup de chance pour pouvoir l'attraper.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 1    0

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued is always beyond your grasp

The economic crisis has ruined the happiness of most people in developing countries.
Happiness is not just an outside smile on the face but also the inside feeling, when there is food, shelter, clothing and other basic needs the common man will be happy. However, it's now considered a butterfly because you cannot catch up with it now.

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