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No man or woman that is in position of power will ever speak the truth. Lies is filled up in their lips.
added by 1001277811 132 days ago 1    0

Yes of course all means the truth comes with good and add on getting Aden but the truth is the good way to achieve humanity and to decide good for others other than killing poisoning etc
added by 1000937736 662 days ago 3    0

Being in a higher position of power sometimes is a difficult thing.Balancing all your surbodinates equally is something hard.Corruption and nepotism arises with rise in power position.Before you acquire such a position, somethings need to be critically thought of.
added by 1001245923 663 days ago 2    0

Yes it is very good and very important when you are in a great position to use the truth because that truth is needed to a good leader
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 2    0

Have you ever considered being in a great position of power and maintain truth

There isn't a man in a position of power that would love to speak the truth in all circumstances, the idea is that all whatever, a man does is selfishly looking after his closet family members. The idea, is that all a man does should make rightness and soundness that even the fixing of taxes on some goods must be moral.

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