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I think he / she is sick or has got some problems from school like caining or fighting each other that can be a thing in my mind
added by 1000937736 662 days ago 0    0

When I see my child when she or he is not happy I think of two things in my mind either she or he is sick or lacking of something
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 0    0

What comes in minds first that he maint be having sickness or feelings juggle such that I can provide medicine or food.
added by 1000945510 663 days ago 0    0

When you watch your child not happy what comes into your mind

A restless child looks defeated and is not doing something in which, that child sees a purpose with meaningful ness. It's by this child's self-directed activity that the child, as years pass, finds his work, the thing he wants to do and for which he is finally is willing to deny himself pleasure, ease, even sleep and comfort.
Allow this child to express himself or herself in whatever is troubling.

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