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Bien sûr ! Quand nous sommes enfants nous demandons à Dieu de satisfaire nos besoins. En tant que Père il nous les accorde évidemment.
Lorsque nous grandissons, Dieu nous apprend a développer notre autonomie. Il ne satisfait pas directement aux besoins mais nous inspire par sa sagesse et son intelligence afin que nous soyons en mesure d'acquérir ce que nous désirons tout en dépendant de lui.
added by Anonymous 654 days ago 0    0

Yes like in away of dressing miniskirts and we go to pray ,thus on these days people they believe on getting money live extravagant because they do what they want not what God says Ameen
added by 1000937736 654 days ago 0    0

Today, many people confuse blessing with thanksgiving. I succeeded for example in a competition or my prayer was exorcised, I give thanks to God. The thanks to God is what the blessing has allowed to have.
added by Anonymous 655 days ago 0    0

When you are a child, your parents,elders , teachers and guardians where you grew up from they taught us how to pray
added by Anonymous 655 days ago 0    0

The way we were taught to pray to God when we were children might be different today's situation

Our customary practice of prayers were brought to our little minds when we were children to spending more time on petitioning rather than thanking the creator for what he has been doing for us. And it is more worthy of our creator and more truly pleasing to him that through his goodness we should pray with full confidence and by his grace he gives us what we require of him.

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Non même pas , c'est la dépendance de comment chacun à dû constater spirituellement comment dieu a changé , or dieu ne change pas il est le même quand on était enfant et jusqu'à notre adolescent
added by Anonymous 655 days ago 0    0