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Hypertension could mean the following reducing and managing stress Condition reducing high blood pressure and the rest of them
added by 1001277811 119 days ago 1    0

Reducing salt levels in all foods and introducing the diet in the family that everyone can benefit from and also doing an impin behavioural change .
Walking daily is a good step fo good health
added by 1001251520 660 days ago 1    0

L'hypertension artérielle c'est une maladie due au durcissement des artères . Ce qui implique la difficulté du sang à circuler dans les artères. Conséquences,une partie des membres aura du mal à avoir du sang. Pour le traitement il faut éviter la consommation du sel,faire régulièrement du sport.
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 1    0

Hypertension in communities mostly comes as a result of employing people with law knowledge about leader ship.
added by 1000945510 664 days ago 1    0

The meaning of hypertension in communities and management

Hypertension management, would involve:
-reducing and managing stress,
-regular checking of blood pressure
-treating high blood pressure
-and managing other medical conditions

You could reduce the burden through some of these ways;
-changing what you eat
-exercising more and taking your medicine
-encourage a heart health diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins like fish , among others.

Thank you!

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