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The literally meaning of high blood pressure is just when blood is too much in the body and therefore resulting into much force of blood against the artery wall
added by 1001277811 112 days ago 1    0

In a nut shell,our lifestyle will go a long way to control stress,with exercise,taking relaxing into consideration yes
added by 1000860119 657 days ago 1    0

Hypertension is definitely high pressure and many of the people in the world has been narrarry face such a condition of sicknesses in failure of their hearts and lungs in functioning.
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 1    0

L'hypertension artérielle pour moi c'est quand les artères se durcissent rendant le passage du sang difficile. Une partie du corps pourra être sous alimentée en sang. Ce qui va causer la paralysie de la partie . Pour s'en préserver, il est conseillé de prendre régulièrement sa tension artérielle, éviter des excitants, du sel de cuisine . Faire des activités sportives pour se maintenir en bonne santé. Merci pour votre attention.
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 1    0

The literal meaning of hypertension in communities

I imagine, it could be when blood pressure is too high resulting into much force of the blood against the artery walls.
Its often scientifically, indicated as blood pressure above140/90, and is severe if the pressure is above 180/120.

Hypertension or elevated blood pressure is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases respectively.


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