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People all over the world are being respected based on the personality and quality of some of an individual
added by 1001277811 129 days ago 1    0

That would be good to have everyone in one class although airlines make money by classification of seats.
one day, it will be made so by Unicorn network
added by Anonymous 431 days ago 3    0

I think seats are segmented in airplanes because it differs in terms of air tickets cost. It cost higher if you select a special seat. It adda additional income for airline companies.

added by Anonymous 628 days ago 6    0

I think this is a good idea as it will enhance the security of the plane. It will also help a full concentration of the crew to do their work.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 5    0

Do you promote airline cabin to be segmented

Why is it promoted in airline industry to segment passengers cabinet into;
First Class
Business Class &
Economy Class
Why not have a general cabin since we are all on the same plane and just introduce bigger, medium & smaller seats instead of classes.

How do you vote?

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Je suis contre la segmentation. Ce serait encore plus convivial que la cabine soit commune avec des services bien améliorés
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 4    0