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The role of travel agency is that he serves as an intermidiary between the clients and the various service provider in the tourist market
added by 1001277811 128 days ago 1    0

A travel agency is the agency who will arrange for your travel, you must pay your travel tickets to them and arrange for your hotel and services of transportation. They usually make orientation the details of your travel period.
added by Anonymous 627 days ago 3    0

We have got many groups around the whole world as compared to the early edges who works as travel agents in helping people with necessities and needs especially at airports and railway stations.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 2    0

What is the role of a travel agency?

What is the role of a travel agency?
It acts as an intermediary and/or aggregator of services between clients and the various service providers in the tourism market: airlines, hoteliers, car rental companies, insurance companies, etc.

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