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This is a true saying yem foundation supposed to have a full access to some of these remote areas where there is no network connection
added by 1001277811 117 days ago 1    0

Pour les régions éloignées, il est préférable qu'après leur inscription dans safezone, qu'à partir des pernums , ils puissent effectuer des transactions avec des montants limités. Comme ce qui se fait avec les cim de téléphone. Cela va permettre de booster le nombre des détenteurs de yem.merci
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 1    0

Cela me parait formidable comme idée. Si on peut utiliser le Yem sans internet, cela voudra dire que ça va ressembler à un système transfert d'argent. En faisant ça le Yem va vraiment se démocratiser et jouer un plus grand rôle dans toutes les économies.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 2    0

More so because remote areas will be improved in order to access internet to use for yem foundation to persue its duties. In remote areas broadband to improve internet will be built to improve technology inflastracture both goods and services.
added by 1001098163 666 days ago 1    0

I suggest that the foundation comes up with a local user friendly method which may enable people in remote areas to transact with YEM without having to use internet.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 1    0

In our country we transact easily with mobile money and it doesn't require internet I YEM can be like that, without internet the people will embrace it easily since they are already used to the mobile money procedure.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 2    0

J'approuve cette idée de Yem safezone en ce sens que c'est un projet porteur qui est mondial.
Nous en Afrique nous aimons travailler, chercher, cependant il nous manque souvent des opportunités. Confronté souvent à de nombreux obstacles, alors ce projet viendra nous aider un temps soit peu. Donc je marque mon accord et encourage l'équipe à ce que cette idée soit une réalité.
je pense cependant au fait qu'il faudrait que l'équipe sache que l'africain, ou si vous voulez nos dirigeants peuvent chercher à s'adhérer au projet et rendre les conditions ou les choses plus difficiles pour le pauvre.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 3    0

Yes, I agree with you on that point. However; there are many hinderences in enforcement of the Idea. One, there is alot of opposition on the digital and technology by the remote people. This is as a result of illiteracy among most of the people most especially African people.
I think it will be hard for yem to be exchanged among the primitive people because there is a likelihood that these people will oppose such an idea. The easiest way is transaction using the smartphone which are not easy to be used by Avery person. So extending yem services nearer to primitive Africans.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 2    0

YEM foundation may need to have an option for remote areas

Not only in Africa but many areas across the globe are still undeveloped. With bad infrastructure and homes. But my concern is on the usability of YEM in such areas where there's no network coverage. I suggest that the foundation comes up with a local user friendly method which may enable people in remote areas to transact with YEM without having to use internet. Especially our remote Africa. Thanks you again.

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