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The reason why people prefer to invest in physical assest more than digital assest is because physical assest gives more dividend than digital currency
added by 1001277811 118 days ago 1    0

Many are preferred to invest in physical assets because the can see it and they can easily control with it.
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 1    0

Les actifs numériques sont certes à la vogue mais il faut dire qu'il y a encore beaucoup de flou autour de l'internet mais surtout des produits du numérique.

Du coup beaucoup de personnes sont sceptiques. Et il faut aussi ajouter que la plupart des investissements en ligne sont des vrai scam.

Il y a, bien-sûr d'autres raisons
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 1    0

Les gens préfèrent les actifs physiques parceque c'est du concret. Tout changement fait peur pour tout homme. Les actifs numériques ne sont connus que ceux qui sont instruits. Alors que plus de 80 pourcent de la population de nos régions sont analphabètes.
added by Anonymous 660 days ago 1    0

We inherited a business model that many are having a hard time letting go of. Digital assets are investments that require some experience and are new to most investors.
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 2    0

Probably being a new era of digital world,people still.need more more to be sensitised on the good side of digital...... because an example like investing in livestock,at any one time this can perish due to disease outbreak and make.a big loss!
added by 666 days ago 1    0

Many prefer to see where they have invested in but they don't know that time will come, those with YEM will buy those assets from them, that is my thinking.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

In the second place, a good number of people do not make research about the new ideas. They just hear about an idea and get some few
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

Yes, I do accept with you statement that people like investing in physical assets than digital assets, one, a good number of people have a feeling that digital related material is always scam. With digital assets, a good number of people can not differentiate between real and fake assets. In the second place, a good number of people do not make research about the new ideas. They just hear about an idea and get some few responses from few people who have tried digital investment. A good number of people is negative about digital world as most of them have belief that it's fake. All this make investment in digital assets less liked than investment in physical assets.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

People have to prefer physical assets than digital because we need to invest in what we see and digital is few in the some countries
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

People prefer to invest in physical assets because people believes in what they see with their naked eye than digital
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

Many prefer to see where they have invested in but they don't know that time will come, those with YEM will buy those assets from them, that is my thinking.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

Because they have less knowledge about technology where by invisible assets deals with technology mostly.
added by 1001234382 668 days ago 1    0

Why people prefer to invest in physical assets than digital assets

I have found out that many people like to invest in physical assets like land, rentals, livestock etc than investing in digital assets like YEM. Many prefer to see where they have invested in but they don't know that time will come, those with YEM will buy those assets from them, that is my thinking.

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