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Yes of course saving on pernum is more preferable than saving on bank account because bank account does not acrue any interest especially saving account but pernum wallet can give you interest when the value of the coin goes up
added by 1001277811 117 days ago 1    0

Money deposited in bank has small interest so small return. While present technology digital money has more value when it will realize.
added by Anonymous 656 days ago 2    0

L'épargne sur pernum est meilleure et plus riche que l'épargne sur un compte bancaire.
L'épargne sur le pernum est meilleure parceque que pas de frais d'entretien. Le capital croit considérablement.
added by Anonymous 660 days ago 1    0

Oui, c'est vrai . Car l'argent sur pernum augmente et l'argent sur carte bancaire augmente aussi mais diminue si ya pas bénéfice , donc c'est tout a fait vrai.
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 1    0

pernum will keep growing day by day and much safer. People save and invest in many projects that are going on by buying Tcoins and others.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 1    0

This is contrary to the bank transactions where transactions are highly charged. In the second place money on pernum is instant
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 2    0

Yes, I do accept that Saving on pernum is better and wealthier than saving on bank account. One, money saved on pernum is not just a saving, it's also an investment. This is because money on pernum can appreciate in value which is not the case to the one in banks. Transactions on pernum are usually free or a very negligible charge is imposed. This is contrary to the bank transactions where transactions are highly charged. In the second place money on pernum is instant and incase one wants to make a transaction, it's made there and then unlike banks where you have to first Access their premises which is much costly. Another advantage of pernum over the bank is that the security in the pernum is much stronger than that of the bank. On the issue of opening accounts, pernum is far flexible than the bank system. The pernum has more advantages than the bank especially to the poor and remote people.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

Eh man don't tell me about saving in the bank. I tried it and they ate all my money. Yes, all. And from that time I avoid banks like a plague. Iam into crypto
added by 1001057999 667 days ago 1    0

Saving on pernum is better and wealthier because is very good and very important but people are still learning about it
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

Saving on pernum is better on those people who knows and understands what pernum means and digital this why are very few
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

you find it is reducing due to service fees but the digits saved on pernum will keep growing day by day and much safer.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

Truly, truly correct as per now pernum is much better than everything,it is safe secure and privacy so bank system has expired.
added by 1001234382 667 days ago 1    0

Saving on pernum is better and wealthier than saving on bank account

Money saved on bank account is not much profitable if no profits and you find it is reducing due to service fees but the digits saved on pernum will keep growing day by day and much safer. People save and invest in many projects that are going on by buying Tcoins and others.

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