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La récitation du Coran a une grande importance dans la religion musulmane. Chaque lettre du Coran procure aux récitants des dizaines bonnes actions. Le coran étant descendu sur terre le jour du mois de Ramadan. Durant ce mois particulièrement la lecture du Coran est très recommandée.
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 0    0

You are rewarded and recorded for a good deed in so reading,each letter you pronounce you earn marks on that,and this is so good when it comea to the month od Ramadan, because tbis could shield you from negative temptations.
added by 1001250398 667 days ago 0    0

The proper recital of the Quran has an important status in the life of a Muslim. It also favors the reciter with abundant blessings
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 0    0

It also favors the reciter with abundant blessings in this world and great rewards on the day of judgment, as described by the prophet of Allah.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 0    0

The proper recital of the Quran

The proper recital of the Quran has an important status in the life of a Muslim. It also favors the reciter with abundant blessings in this world and great rewards on the day of judgment, as described by the prophet of Allah.

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