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Money they said answereth all things when some people gathers money they will like money to be their master.
added by 1001277811 111 days ago 1    0

however, money is a good servant as it brings more money to you and will do the work you have purposed it to do.
added by Anonymous 660 days ago 1    0

Would you live money to be your master in life

Some will say yes and others won't accept that. Money is the worst or a terrible master you would ever have in this current world. It will bring misery if it runs a way from you, however, money is a good servant as it brings more money to you and will do the work you have purposed it to do.

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It can easily drag into difficult in life so nothing good someone can do for example having many partners.
added by 1001234382 664 days ago 1    0