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tout amour vient de Dieu, nous naissons avec la capacité et le désir d'aimer et d'être aimés. L'un des sentiments les plus profonds qui nous reste de notre vie prémortelle est la grandeur de l'amour de notre Père et de Jésus pour nous et notre amour pour eux.
added by Anonymous 655 days ago 0    0

You can recognise a man in love because: he associates desire and love. You are not only the object of carnal desire. Of course he enjoys your sex, but also many other things.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

Since all love comes from God, we are born with the capacity and desire to love and be loved. One of the deepest feelings left over from our premortal life is the greatness of our Father's and Jesus' love for us and our love for them.

added by Anonymous 671 days ago 0    0

How to recognise the signs of a man in love?

How to recognise the signs of a man in love?
You can recognise a man in love because: he associates desire and love. You are not only the object of carnal desire. Of course he enjoys your sex, but also many other things.

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