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Of a truth poor people is the most difficult set of people to handle on earth. Some of the reasons best known to them is that they always feels cheated.
added by 1001277811 145 days ago 1    0

Les pauvres sont faciles à manipuler et à gérer. Êtes-vous d'accord ?
Affirmatif. Quand on a pas à manger, on devient manipulable. On est à la merci du riche. D'autant plus que la main qui est dessus est meilleure que celle de dessus. Merci pour l'attention
added by Anonymous 660 days ago 1    0

Poor people are considered to be easy to control because they are taken for granted and easily marginalised.
added by Anonymous 670 days ago 2    0

Exerctly poor people are easy to rule,why because they can't argue with rich person even in family meeting you cannot make any decision due to poverty,even profet Mohammed said"poverty is nearer to harrum" , presidents ie like of the republic of Uganda he tries so hard to cripple Ugandans in order to continue ruling them hence poor people are easy to get and rule
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 3    0

Poor people are easy to handle and manage.Do you agree?

The poor are seen in many circumstances more obedient and responsive to rules and regulations set for them.Is it because they feel inferior and marginalized? Poverty is really loss of energy.
Though, they still help the reach in meeting their goals as they hire them for work at the least pay.They lack opportunities but with rich minds.

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