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Avoir un contrôle total sur votre compte bancaire personnel.
Il est difficile d'avoir le contrôle total de son compte bancaire parceque ce compte est avant tout la propriété d'une banque. Contrairement au compte pernum qui est contrôlé entièrement par le titulaire.
added by Anonymous 651 days ago 0    0

What if I remain with the money in form of cash for a long time, will it still carry the same value.
Please I would like to hear your view
added by Anonymous 657 days ago 0    0

It very important to take control of your own bank account and it helps you plan for your future and even to know more about your account
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 2    0

Of course you have to take full control on your Bank account because there is no one trustable in this world and you take full control of your things it helps you for your future
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 2    0

Having a full control over your personal bank account

It's what we normally think about bank accounts that is a reality of life,
Whatever, you deposit on your account today becomes fully an asset of the bank at that moment, you might go the next minute wanting to withdraw that money but I believe you won't take it all without charges. What if I remain with the money in form of cash for a long time, will it still carry the same value.
Please I would like to hear your view.

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